
Hello from the board

We would like to introduce ourselves to you.

The Rainbow Sport Zurich board consists of three to five active members. Mägi, Simona, Stefan & Ulli currently represent the association as a board member.

Each board member supports our association in one area:

  • Accounting / Cash desk: Mägi
  • Event & Quality Management: Ulli
  • Communication / Responsible sports committee: Simona
  • Board Administration / Website: Stefan

The board members are elected by the general assembly for a period of 2 years and are responsible for the management of the association. The four-person team represents Rainbow Sport Zurich internally and externally. The board of directors implements the association’s policy within the framework of the annual programs approved by the general assembly and takes care of all questions concerning the association.

The board of directors informs the members promptly about the status of ongoing projects and takes up current, association-related topics.

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